
This project performs the regression analysis of the Wages of the employees all around US considering different features like the employee industry, area, state, ... etc to find out how the wages are being affected with different features. Which are most critical factors contributing to the variation in wages are also studied.

The entire study is done in the cloud environment utilizing the "Azure ML studio" and the models are deploiyment in the cloud environment itself.

This project was inspired by recent concerns and changes pertaining to employment in the United States along with its impact in business intelligence.

Technologies or Skills included:

  • Python 3.8+

  • Azure Machine Learning Studio

  • LightGBM

  • Tree Based Models

  • Pandas

  • Scikit-learn

  • Matplotlib

  • LightGBM


The Azure subscription is required if you would like to deploy the models to predict on the live data. Moreover, if the subscription expires, then the model will not be live.


Customer Churn Prediction